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 Apples, kiwis und blueberries as antidepression fruits

- the "Quinic-Acid-Study"

 New research findings give us hope depression could be influenced by nutrition essentially!!

Current studies document that intestinal bacteria are able to produce serotonin out of quinic acid and secret it into the intestinal lumen (Pero et al. 2009, 2010). First data indicate that there is an increased creation of tryptophan after the consumption of fruits containing a high rate of quinic acid (wild blueberries, kiwi, cranberries, plums, apples, peaches,...) in the gastrointestinal tract. As a consequence of the higher intake of quinic acid higher leves of tryptophan could be measured in urine - these levels were above those reached with tryptophan supplementation(Pero et al. 2009, 2010). This evidence indicates that the endogen production of darm bacteria can provide at least so much tryptophan as a high dosed tryptophan intake (> 5 g/day).

Perhaps this study opens up a completely different possibilty to treat depressive disorders, hyperaesthesia or simply an approach to correct increased irratability.

Conclusion: On basis of this study there is the recommendation ot increase the consumption of distinct fruits in your nutrition - especially kiwi, cranberries and wild blueberries because they contain a very high level of quinic acid, also apple juice. This dietary change could possibly influence depressive symptoms in a positve way!