Depression – antioxidants and folic acid


The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports due to a study that a nutrition rich in fruits an vegetables causes less depressive symptoms – this result refers to antioxidants and omega 3. Omega 3 is often only related to fish, but there are also rich plantal sources like flax, hemp and chiaseeds (here for example 8 times higher than in salmon!)


There is also a special mention of folic acid – a lack in folic acid increases the risk of depression, insomnia and mental fatigue. There´s evidence that people suffering from depression had a higher level of homocystein in their blood which interferes with recovery from depression and our heart health. Folic Acid minimizes homocystein and so has an antidepressive effect!


Folic acid is highly contained in avocados and dark green vegetables (like asparagus, salad, brussels sprouts,…), soybeans, sprouts, nuts, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, cherries, mangos, grapes and honeydew melons.


Even though folic acid finds that special mention, the most important message of the study is: Eat lots of colourful fruits and vegetables to ameliorate depressive symptoms!!!

The more vibrant the colours the more antioxidants are contained – antioxidants are the antagonist of free radicals. They specially help our brain which has the least antioxidative capacity – so Jean Carper quotes in „Your Miracle Brain“ that there can be no more dramatic damage to your personality and your intellect than in your brain.